
Monday, February 18, 2013

I've got nothing catchy.

As I am sitting here writing this I realized it is now official. i cant make excuses, or come back every week with new promises. I have fallen off.
I love to blog but my issue is that when I do I tend to spend way too much... I mean WAAAAAAY too much (like hours) editing the couple pictures that I put up. I feel like I wont even read a blog post that doesn't at least have ONE picture in it...right?! Sometimes I totally stage a mini photo sesh just for a blog post. As if I don't have more to do with my life hahaha. 
I think right after I had Jaida I didn't really have a life, I mean for real I was just surviving... in a post baby daze. I didn't really have a daily plan or even care for that matter. Anyone who has had a baby can hear me on this one! My world was consumed with what I thought life was as a stay at home mom.... cooking.... maybe cleaning ( like one dish out of the sink) if I had a spare minute.... baking things with lots of sugar..... and catching up on daytime television, and DVR'd nighttime shows too. I thought I was busy, because I was blogging. A LOT. Then it hit me.... well a "good" talk with the hubby opened my eyes. I had lost my drive. I had taken the "stay at home mom" role a little too far. i never wanted to isolate myself or fall off the wagon, I wanted to enrich the lives of my children and make my house a home.
Back in November is when I finally started cutting the crap. remember the "no sugar" thing? Remember my daily workouts with Jillian Micheals? Don't get me wrong, blogging was still my main focus (after God and my family of course) but that isn't adding anything to my life except for an escape.... a place to vent and brag and share and babble and go on and on and on about myself haha. At least I got my act together as far as eating right and working out. That still wasn't enough for me. I wanted to make some money and be a little less dependant on the hubbs. Although he is a great provider I was missing my daily Starbucks... and lessbehonest' he wasn't having my 5.00 a day addiction added to his budget. No Sir! and Although i didn't FORCE him to sign the papers for a new vehicle I did pout about it and make his life pretty miserable BEGGING him to get the SUV. So he did. However it was agreed upon- somewhere in fine print or a whisper perhaps- That I would be the one to come up with the payment and gas money for this purchase. WELP...... I may or may not have held up my end of the bargain. I picked up some babysitting gigs and sold some stuff here and there but I did not.... listen when I say DID NOT want to work.
 ** well I have been "back" for a few weeks now, with more passion, drive and determination than ever! 
Since this post is so long already I will fill you in on my new life outlook in a couple days. Tomorrow Jaida will be 8 months old and I will be posting an update so stay tuned. 
oh and let me add a picture to this thing before i go.
How bout Lil' bunny Jaida.
Thanks for ridin along with me people.... flake or not ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

say whaaaaaa?

I have decided I am going to try to actually put aside an hour a day to blog. Like the same hr. everyday. who knows.
I did great with blogging when it was all I had to do LOL. Now that I am doing other work on the side I just flat out don't have time.
Thought I would fill in my small little following on what has been keeping me away ( other than the normal stay at home mommy things like cooking, cleaning and being with my kiddos) I not only started selling itworks wraps, took on an admin position at my church, and kept babysitting kids several days of the week but I also completely re-vamped by Etsy shop!
I finally decided to take my passions seriously.
I love finding new ways to be healthy (and skinny) I LOVE GOD, I love kids and I love to craft. Eventually I will not be babysitting as much. I like to help people out but at this point I am essentially working about 4 full time jobs for just enough money to go to my car payment and gas.
I need to start being selective and work harder on time management.
You other bloggers understand.....blogging can sometimes be another full time job.
I want to have time for it all
but I don't.
That being said check out these goodies in my shop!

That's all for now! I'll add the shop back to my side bar now so check it out!

Monday, February 4, 2013

why hello there captain flaky!

Let's play pretend....

As in pretend that I haven't been MIA for like .... ever.

Can we just pick back up where I left off... or maybe somewhere else. Lets just pick up.

So here goes:

Welp the baby is officially trying to crawl now ( which I thought she was going to do months ago because like all parents think of their own children she was "so advanced") but I am glad that she doesn't crawl yet, because when I start to think of everything that I am able to get done while she is sitting in one place with a toy, I get sad for these days to end. Umm hello like blogging! I know I know I haven't even been using my time for that obviously! LOL

 please ignore that mop on her head it hasn't been brushed yet today LOL

I'm still randomly picking up babysitting jobs here and there and as I look to the future I see another season of wishing there was more time in the day. That is where the name of the blog came from after all... wishing that I had even a dash of time more in the day. Then one day I woke up and had too much time with nothing to do.... psssh that never happens!


Ok sorry but I left the blog to go read my little sisters blog and then started thing about all the cleaning I need to do when I am blogging instead which then led to thinking about needing more pictures for my blogging which made me want a real camera which made me come back here and start pounding my fingers on the keys


I need to make a list of things to purchase with our tax return haha.

-clothes because Ive lost 30#s

-clothes for the baby because someone ( I wont mention names but she may or may not be the only sister I have) hasn't sent me any hand me downs lately and babies grow fast.
-a camera! 
- a new crib because the crib she has now is no good!!

I'll add to this idea later.


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