If you don't know who they are than I'm not helping you but you might wanna climb out from under that rock!
The PIT of my week would be the lack of coffee creamer on my new "eating plan" I know that sounds so silly to a lot of you but no joke...not being able to have my International Delight Caramel Macchiato cream is KILLER! I crave it so bad.... which hubby pointed out is an easy way to determine it was a bad addiction... but for real it makes my mornings seem so blah. I guess I had no idea how much I look forward to that first cup of coffee with cream. YUM. Any suggestions for low sugar creamers (less than 1-2g of sugar haha) or ones that sub with xylitol or stevia....? Can't do the sugar free kinds because they are packed full of even worse chemicals than the original :( boo.
Goodbye my love..... one day I will not be so addicted to you!!
**PS: I was apparently so tired this morning I forgot to post this before I finally fell asleep around 4am. I got up at 7..... it has been a long day and its currently 3pm, the baby took a cat nap in the car on the way home from church so she wont sleep now and I've got tons to do so no nap for me :(