
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trendy baby at the patch

Well shoot... once again the week has gotten away from me! I was so prepared to post on the trendy tot Tuesday link up (that I only participated in once) and whoosh Tuesday slipped right by! With it being so difficult to snap pictures of this crazy toddler its a rare occasion that I can even participate. I would wait until next Tuesday.... but they are "seasonal" as in from the dang pumpkin patch. So I am just going to post today.
Jaida's little friend turned 2 last week and his birthday party was at a pumpkin patch, complete with a petting farm area. Best party idea ever for the fall! We actually hadn't had a chance to go to the pumpkin patch this year so it worked out well. Jordon chose to go to his grandparents house (surprise surprise) and Jon had to work so it was just us girls.
All of the clothes she is wearing are consigned. Hat, Coat, and black jeans are baby gap and her boots are Uggs ( that I got for free using a $15.00 credit I had at the consignment store!) BOOM.
I could not, for the life of me, get an un-blurry picture of these pigs!
Happy Halloween lovelies... be safe and eat lots of your kids candy!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Antisocial Alert

What in the world is wrong with me lately?? I feel so antisocial. I'm not talking just the don't make eye contact, or the driving into my garage and closing the door behind me before I get out of the car type of antisocial. I'm talking like paralyzing avoiding everyone but my immediate family antisocial.
It' actually kind of funny because in the business that I am in the only way to grow is to tell anyone and everyone about the products I promote and help other people to do the same. As much as I have always loved attending and hosting parties I find myself just dreading them right now. Even MOPS at the church and playdates with my friends get pushed right out of the calendar.
Part of me thinks it is again part of the extreme PMS.... mostly because I want to also eat the whole world right now...(no, I am NOT pregnant)
Another part of me things something has tipped my bipolar disorder and my meds have stopped working (a very likely possibility)
Still another part thinks that it is just the pure laziness that invades me as soon as the first leaf turns yellow in Autumn.
**I also just realized I may have never mentioned that I am diagnosed Bipolar.... surprise! **
That being said, I really need a good pick me up. I need to find a way to get outa this funk! I'm thinking a pumpkin spice chai from Starbucks, and a trip to Target would cure my "blues" but its not going to make me any more social.
oh well
How can I NOT want to be social when these two are tagging along?

ignore the horrible quality of the front facing camera on my iphone 4S
Anyone else have an antisocial issue lately?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oh what a day!

You know friends, life is frustrating. Let's be honest here.... life is HARD. Yesterday was one of those days that I was really feeling tested. It felt almost as though from the moment I woke up until the moment I laid my head down to call it a day the world was just spinning in the wrong direction. I felt rushed to get out the door when I had plenty of time, nothing fit right and the mop of hair on my head was all wrong. I went and met with a group of girls from church and was let down by a comment I heard was said about me behind my back.... by church friends. ouch. 
Later in the day I went to the mall and instead of feeling relaxed and enjoying myself, I felt afraid. Yes, you read that right, AFRAID. I was looking over my shoulders getting out of the car, and walking through the mall I kept imagining all of the (2) mall shootings I've been aware of. I felt paralyzed with fear. I wanted to just turn around and walk back out but I chose to keep shopping. I did however feel a sense of relief when the mall's rent a cop went for a smoke break at the same time I walked out to the parking lot. It was only a small sense of false security, but hey I'll take it!
After stopping to pick up dinner and feeling physically sick for spending "so much" money on food, we headed back home. Jordon promptly through a fit about wanting to play outside pretty much guaranteeing I wasn't going to catch a break from this backwards day. We ate, Jaida had a bath, we read some books and then she went to bed. Relax time.
Teething strikes again and the baby wakes crying every 30 mins. Enter headache. I don't even really remember Jordon coming down to say goodnight somewhere in between the strawberries and nutella I was snacking on while catching up on smut TV. Next thing you know, I'm balling and feeling hopeless during 19 Kids and counting. What.The.Heck.
It's PMS people, it's got to be. I think its worse than normal and I think I'm a bit sick of it.... Now where is my Nutella?


Monday, October 21, 2013

Quick N' Easy "Monkey Bread" Muffins

We had a can of biscuits in the fridge and I honestly had no future plans for them so I decided to find a way to turn them into something delicious! Who doesn't like cinnamon and sugar?! ( If you just raised your hand you are officially cray cray)


If you haven't made donuts out of canned biscuits then I also suggest doing that soon because they are super simple and taste oh so heavenly. That is where I got the idea to make something with cinnamon and sugar!

Let me start by saying I didn't measure anything.... it really is so simple that you just need to use your eyeballs to know how much to use.


- Canned biscuits
- Cinnamon
- Sugar
- Butter ( I used about half a stick, oh and melt it)

You can't tell where I shop.... I love me some store brands!


First melt your butter in one bowl, and in another bowl (or plastic baggy) mix together cinnamon and sugar.

Cut each "biscuit" into 3 or 4 pieces ( this can only produces 8 biscuits and I wanted a couple extra muffins so I cut them into 4ths) roll each piece into a ball and dip into butter and then cover with cinnamon sugar mixture.

Next place 3 or 4 balls into each cup of a sprayed muffin tin (or pan.... I've always called them muffin tins but this is clearly NOT tin soooo......)
Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 mins. Then you will have these yummy treats to enjoy... and then also enjoy for breakfast the next day!
Remember to put a little bit of water into the empty muffin cups so your pan doesn't burn!
You could also frost these or make a drizzle out of powdered sugar... they are very similar to cinnamon rolls!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

hello blogland

I miss blogging.
Since when did I get to lazy busy to blog? It's funny (in a sarcastic way) that I started this blog as a place to vent and just talk about life and it somehow turned into a job of sorts. While I love linking up every now and then, and having a blogging schedule helps me feel organized, it also makes me feel a little like a failure. I have started so many posts in the past month that I probably have a good start to a book I could call "the art of failing, and other unfinished stories of the ADHD brain."
I compare myself to other people so often. It is a sick disease if you ask me. When it comes to blogging I think everyone is so witty and have such interesting lives. Everyone else seems to be an amateur or even professional photographer. Other bloggers are dramatic, or funny, or just plain interesting and I draw blanks about what to write about on the daily.
Maybe everyone else makes time to blog. I just don't. I do it in my "spare" time when I'm not shoving my face with white cheddar popcorn and catching up on Greys Anatomy. Let's be real.... I don't make this place a priority. It sure feels good to be back and maybe soon I will have a recipe, baby (now toddler) update, pictures or just something interesting to share. Right now however, I've got to tend to that toddler who is jumping up and down in her crib after only taking a 30min. nap. UGH.
Mama needs a shopping break!
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