All of you bloggers that have real blogging schedules and actually maintain these things for our reading pleasure, y'all are my heroes, for real! I swear one day I'm all "oh tomorrow I will blog for sure cause I have nothing else to do" then the next day comes and I'm kickin my feet up eating ice cream and watching real housewives reruns all day. Reruns people, as in I have already seen them and yet they still come before being productive. Also, how can I even complain about not losing weight after typing that last sentence. It all makes so much sense now!
Anywho, I can't remember if I mentioned awhile back that we bought a surface RT (tablet with a keyboard) and replaced our laptop. Worst decision ever. Don't get me wrong, I love the tablet BUT it is not a laptop....not really a computer at all. I feel very limited. So after living in that tortured state for the last 6 months...running a business, blogging, etc from a dang tablet, we FINALLY bought a new laptop. and it bites. no really, it's super lame and is going back to the store asap. I'm hoping the hubs just decides on a desk top, after all I have done so much work to make our office an office again. No more "craft room" with my sewing machine and misc. scraps laying all over the floor. Sad but not sad all at the same time. I love to craft, but it is not productive, and at this stage in my life I just have other priorities.
Like blogging
and working out
oh and being a mom.....
So cross your fingers for me that later today we come home with a shiny new, FAST desktop computer and maybe...MAYBE.... I will finally get my crap together!
On a completely separate subject, it has been AMAZING in the weather dept. lately! Sunny and 60ish which is my fav because it means I can wear a sweatshirt and sunglasses. Which also means I don't really have to do my makeup because my face is half covered, and I don't have to put thought into a sweatshirt and leggings or jeans. so comfy. I took some sweet pics of the glorious weather for you to feast your eyes on since a blog post just isn't the same without pictures. am I right or am I right.
This is totally the view from my house! Am I blessed or what?!
This is totally the view from my house! Am I blessed or what?!