
Monday, October 29, 2012

OCD much

Well I have always had slight "organizational OCD" ( ummm no your right I am NOT sure that that is a real thing) read above as **self diagnosed**

Anyway.... the issue I am having now with this is trying to blog while living in this slight OCD craziness. As you may have noticed I started off my first blog post  with the FMS photoaday challenge. Well I didn't keep up with it! ...... are you suprised? you might be if you don't know me, seems easy enough but for me it was not!

I even wrote each photo topic out in my planner and actually took a lot of them.... and then came the uploading part.... I couldn't find the time. then BAM OCD. I didn't want to load the pictures in a super late totally unorganized post so I gave up. sad Erin. Just sad.

Exhibit A: ( ONE SIDE of a month view in my planner)
**sorry for the blur but I really don't think you need to know all my personals!**
you get the color coded point I'm sure.
On a happy note now that uploading my pics is easier I have another post to do... LOL I can't combine 2 different topics in one day people!


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