OK guys... no need to be sad anymore, I am back!
I totally didn't have a computer for the last 2 weeks and I love my phone and all but boy did I miss using my laptop!!! That being said I could not figure out how to blog well from my phone.... so I didn't. Sorry~
I missed blogging on Thanksgiving, TWO Thirty Things Thursdays, TWO Weekend Updates
I missed writing my post on Jaida's 5 month "birthday".... it wont happen again!!
So I am not going to overwhelm you with everything that I have cooked, crafted, and photographed in the last 2 weeks all today... I will spread it out and keep the blogs coming!! Starting now::
JAIDA IS 5 MONTHS OLD!!! ( Nov.19th)
she did not want to hold still!!
I finally had a good one and realized I forgot her sticker...... so I put it on:
TA DA!.... yeah those fingers are ALWAYS in her mouth!
Jaida, at five months you are so sweet! You are really starting to have a real personality of your own! You babble all the time and when I say "say MaMa" you reply "ah ah".... same thing for "say DaDa" you say "ah ah." You are able to sit up, although you either lean way forward onto your tummy to balance or get tired and fall over. You are sleeping about 13 hours at night which is WONDERFUL!! You are also still taking about 2 long naps and one short nap during the day. ( Mommy and Daddy love that you love to sleep... but I admit sometimes I want to wake you up to play!!)
You are eating fruit or veggie baby foods at dinner time. You weigh about 15lbs and I think you're only a little over 25" long. Still in size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
The binky is completely gone since you love those 2 fingers... ok well you have a couple to chew on while you teeth. Can't wait to see what else you will learn this month!
Love you forever,
I missed you!!!!!!
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