
Friday, December 20, 2013

Ya can't turn a ho into a housewife!

..... but you can turn an old fleece sweatshirt into a stuffed fox!
You guessed it people, it's refashion time! *remember that time I said I wanted to do a refashion at least once a month...ummm yeah* So lately I have been joining in the madness that is holiday giveaways, and if you have ever entered a giveaway ( or 50) then you know you end up finding/following a lot of new blogs and seeing great ideas pop up in your Facebook newsfeed. I happened to come across this super cute stuffed fox DIY by Crystal from Stitched by Crystal. Of course the way that I am when I see something this cute, and not to mention simple enough for me to try, I tell myself Jaida HAS to have it. RIGHT NOW.
Well we were obviously not anywhere near a craft store so I had to find another way to get my hands on some fleece STAT..... and DUH, it's winter and you're talking to the girl that keeps outdated and outgrown clothes way past their prime... so I grabbed an old fleece sweatshirt from my closet! I already had some felt sheets on hand so I got to work!
Oh and side note .... if you are like me and runs through things without fully reading the directions first then let me fill you in on an important piece I missed the first time... after cutting out the pattern (last 3 pages of tutorial) you have to TAPE a couple of the pieces together...
THEN you can cut!
Now follow the tutorial by Crystal HERE.
TA DAAAAA... here's my final product :)

Now off to make some more for Christmas gifts!!


Jamie Hart said...

You TOTALLY got me with the title of this post.. but seriously-- that little stuffed critter is ALMOST (well, not really) as cute as your little one! You are so blessed! Could she get any cuter? I mean, really! On a side note, you could totally sell those little things. It makes me wish that I was creative (I don't read instructions and never will). I've got to share this with my DIY bff who has a two year old!

Jamie Hart said...

Oh! and I'm giving you a shout out on Instagram because I know some Gals that would kill over this!! (I'm at yougottahavehart)

Sarah Alway said...

Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me, this is so cute! I wish I was more crafty. But let's be honest, I would never make this myself. You should open an Etsy shop and sell these... I will totally buy one. :-)

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