
Friday, January 3, 2014

Vloggin like a boss!!

Hey hey its FRIIIDAAAAY. Not like it changes anything for me ... but for those of you with mon-friday gigs I bet you're happy! Check it our my friends, I VLOGGED again! this time like a boss ;) I am linking up with Ashten for her vlog like a boss Fridays.
First things first, in the new year I am trying to be more "real" with myself. I usually take no less than 45mins to record a 5-10minute blog, but not today folks. Today I only did 3 takes and here is what bothered me: my eyebrows look different sizes and like I draw them in with a pencil, due to the sun coming in the window and washing out the side of my face. My makeup looks cakey and yet I'm not even wearing foundation, not to mention dry lip city! As always I think my face, teeth and talking are weird BUT it's authentically me.
It felt so good to vlog again.... next week though I hope to have more to tell you about. I don't do notes so my mind always draws a blank. So enjoy the vid in all it's rawness.
Oh and on the "real" note.... check out my before and after hair and makeup this morning. I swear I am two different people, I have never seen anyone else look SO different.
So join the fun!! See you next week!
Always Ashten



Jamie S said...

You're definitely not alone, I look completely different before & after my makeup! It's crazyyyy! But you are so pretty either way!! And I completely understand your feeling weird vlogging in front of your man. I feel weird enough talking to a camera when I'm alone, add in someone listening & it would be a disaster!!

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries

Raewyn @ Be A Warrior Queen said...

Stopping by from Vlog like a Boss and I'm excited to be a new follower!

Love this vlog - you're so authentic and sweet! Don't stress too much about all of the things you want to do better - we're all like that...especially with blogging more and working out for me!!

Unknown said...

Love that morning before pic down there haha. Also I'm so amazing for buying you such great things ;) And YES post those befores! Get more accountability! Besides the person in the picture isn't even you anymore! It was you 3 pounds ago! Seeing where you came from and checking in with that will help you keep moving forward!

Anonymous said...

You are adorbs! Loving the vlog! I always feel like an idiot when I vlog... But maybe I'll attempt it again for the new year!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for linking up with me this week! You're a natural! I hope you have a great weekend!

Jane said...

I love blogs! It's so neat actually hearing the person behind the blog. And can you please give a makeup and hair tutorial?! You look amazing! <3

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Loved it! The before and after hair is too funny, I normally look much worse in my before pic so rock it!

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