
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Will you be my Valentine?

I've just gotta say it..... I have a blog crush. Maybe it's more like a blog obsession, for Jessica at Little Baby Garvin. Of course she has no idea ( and now I am like the crazy person who is blogging about her in my spare time.) I look forward to reading several blogs everyday but hers is one that I know will never disappoint. Her daughter is adorable, her house is beautiful and perfectly decorated, she has amazing parties, draws beautiful chalkboard signs, and it literally looks like Pinterest threw up on everything she does.
Which is my dream people!!
I always pin things on Pinterest knowing full well I will be too lazy to actually follow through. Even holidays just aren't the same. Take Valentine's day for instance, since this is what I am currently "stress pinning" as I call it. I used to be ok buying a box of $1.99 valentines from good ol Wally World for my son to give his friends. Not anymore. Not when Pinterest moms are taking over the world. Buying their kid some new digs at H&M, and having an impromptu photo shoot with the kid covered in lipstick kisses holding a super cute chalkboard sign. Print those bad boys out and how's that for a personalized Valentine. Take that cupid, and take note mediocre moms like myself.

It gives me anxiety.... Pinterest  anxiety.
All I can think about is how I need to make my kids heart shaped pancakes, that they will enjoy with strawberry milk for breakfast. They will eat it at a table with marshmallow heart centerpieces and drink using pink paper straws. Of course there will be sweetheart candies, handmade by me... duh. For dinner I will slave away to make sure our dinning room imitates a fancy restaurant so the Filet Mignon and garlic mashed potatoes can be served in perfection. A rose on each plate and candles will be lit. Bath time obviously involves bubbles and pink and red bath crayons.....
Ok, this has gone to far.
All I can say is keep an eye out for an upcoming post right around Feb. 14th labeled "Pinterest FAILS" because we all know I've got nothing on these amazing over achievers.

{via google images}



Jamie S said...

I LOOOOVE her. How she manages to make everything look so perfect, I will never know!

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries

Angi Solle said...

I can't stop laughing! You are seriously fantastic women! I LOVE looking at Pinterest gone wrong pictures...they basically sum up my life. I understand that my boyfriend doesn't look at Pinterest, but even getting him a Valentines is stressful, because I know all the bloggy girlfriends are going to post all these awesome crafts they did for their man and I'm over here like hey I bought you this card from Wal-Mart!


Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Haha! Pinterest makes us all feel pretty inadequate! Close is good enough, girl! :)

Nancy @ Neatly-Packaged said...

Aw this was a cute post :) I love the Pinterest fails lol Thank you for sharing :)

My name is Lydia said...

those jello hearts are probably the cutest thing i've ever seen. and i bet you could throw a cuter party than jessica.

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