OK.... well I have a new fun bloggy link up! Check it out!! I love reading Neely's blog and I have scoped this out for awhile and decided to hope on board!!
welcome to my first ever addition of......
This Weeks Questions:
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? DUH... only my fav pics of the kids ever! Jaida is on the lock screen and Jordon is on the home screen. ( without the names though... those were added for blogging purposes)
What do you keep beside your bed? UM am I weird that I keep lotion next to the bed because I CANNOT go to bed with dry feet. haha. I think at this point it is an insane habit but seriously I have to put lotion on the feeties every night! Also have my alarm clock, a lamp, and a couple pictures.
What is your least favorite chore? putting away the laundry! YUCK .... I will wash and dry clothes all day but I truly wish they could fold themselves! This sign is about right....
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be? packing my son's lunch. I know it seems silly but for some reason I really hate doing it. #firstworldproblems
What do you do to vent anger? cry,cry,cry.... then complain to my husband and probably cry some more. I am a mess. boo hoo
What is your favorite Holiday of the year and why? Christmas for sure! I just love watching the look on my son ( and now my daughter's) face!! I love traditions and the entire meaning of the day. I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS! ** this will be my first Christmas Eve service without my husband OR parents.... just me and the kiddos, then my first Christmas morning without my parents.... here's to starting traditions with my own little family!..... even if I am a little bummed**
too bad this was blurry because she had a huge blow out after this pic and I scrapped the christmas picture idea :(
until next time my people!
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