Happy Friday!! ** I say that with excitement for all of you who enjoy Friday as the last day of the week... since today is "Monday" for us.
So What's been on my mind you ask? ( or "what's going on Erin" if you are facebook LOL) well I will tell you
I **kinda**miss having a job.
I have been flirting with this idea of going back to work for awhile now. I really want to go back to Starbucks because they are my fav
Either that or babysit someone else's kid(s) all day and drag them with me to the park and to coffee dates at Frog n Kiwi Cafe... and MOPS. Fun for me AND the kids!
I dunno, just been on my mind a lot... maybe I actually MISS the schedule of things and being busy and contributing to bills ( even if it is only one tiny bill haha) don't get me wrong I still wanna be amazeballs with my Mary Kay business but part of me wants to be needed at a specific time and place a few days/times a week.
So if you have a kid that needs watchin, a spot at Starbucks that needs fillin, or even need a virtual assistant hit me up! ( isn't that professional of me... saying "hit me up" haha) What do you think.... I need some ideas people :)
Catchya later love bugs!
If I still lived in the same state as you I'd miss you working at Starbucks still too ;) I also wish I still lived close by so I could give you your niece and nephews to watch!
I would take those kiddos anytime! ( once a week...for no more than an hour... not on weekends....HAHA j/k) miss you all!
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