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Oh my word... How BEAUTIFUL is my new blog design?
Super pretty right?!
Shout out to Jane over at Poppiness for making all my blog design dreams come true!
Christmas is over... It was amazing... My stomach hates me. The end. Ok, but really I can't be the only one who pushes my stomach capacity to the max on both Thanksgiving AND Christmas. I hate to be the New Years resolution type and plan to "workout and eat right" (starting January 1st of course) but that is my very plan. I think we might be going to Hawaii for my 30th...ahhhh... So I better get moving with less than 6 months left... Double ahhhh. I'm trying to decide how and if I want to document my weight loss journey. I have started and failed several times in the past, so do I risk the lack of follow through or just stick with something for once? I'm not worried about quitting... Just worried about posting progress on the blog. Blogger fail #175480
On that note I also failed to take ANY pictures this Christmas! I was just so in the moment with the family and kids that I documented nothing. I will regret it won't I? Boooo.
Let's just say I am the queen of making goals and resolutions and I NEVER follow through. This needs to change. I plan to change.
New Years resolution for 2014:
Don't just say it.... DO IT!!
-and take pictures
-and stop being a people pleaser
-and blog more
-and ......
To be continued.
Maybe ;)
Content A Dash of Time | Design Poppiness Designs
I know exactly what you mean about eating too much over the holidays! But I am right there with you with the New Years' Resolution! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday!
-Mollie @
Aww thanks so much for the shout out! I really appreciate it. :) I didn't take any pictures on Christmas either! It was such a perfect lovely day that I really want to share on Instagram. haha I think I took one fuzzy picture of the dogs... Ooops!
I love your blog design! It's simple, girly, and pretty! I feel SO bad all the time for my lack of taking pictures. I used my Sister's "fancy" camera this Christmas and I almost feel like I'm doing a disservice using my iphone when taking photos. It's just so crappy compared to hers. Maybe if my fiance would take pictures with me, I would have more. It's ALL HIS FAULT, I swear!!
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