I remember now why it is a good idea to always update the blog....because when I don't I just want to come vomit 1,390,787,896,491 words at you all to fill you in on my life! Seriously, December is like mass hysteria around here. So many people, so many Christmas lists, so many parties, and SO.MUCH.FOOD. I mean, I love Christmas and all...and I hate when it is over because I think I go into a post-Christmas funk, but it is definitely one of the most busy, stress-filled seasons ever!
As I am sitting here my ADHD is going crazy with all the things I want to tell you about **hint hint** a new planner (again, I know!) not to mention an update on how I am using my current planner (
as promised) some new trendy tot fashions, an hourly play by play of a day in my life (since its been almost a year since
my last one!) the list goes on people! Lucky for you the previously mentioned ADHD has also already erased several other thought/ideas I had for this space. grrrr. I have got to start taking notes. Maybe I need another planner? I kid, I kid.
ANYWHO.... I really wanted to stop in here today to tell you about my new favorite mascara! First of all, this is not your mamas mascara people
.....or maybe if you have a really hip, in the know mama, it is.....
but it is AH*MA*ZING. My good friend
Sarah hooked me up ( or should I say got me hooked) and I will never turn back to my old products again!! If y'all have been reading my blog you know I don't promote things that I don't absolutely love and let me tell you....this is the real deal! I was totally skeptic but I sure am glad I didn't just move along on my merry way. ( Merry...see what I did there? Christmas....Merry.... hardy har, I know)
Back to the goods. Here is my proof friends.... try it, or don't (even though that shouldn't even be a thought in your mind after seeing this!!) but believe me when I say, I am all about this stuff.
They don't call it "lash crack" for nuthin!
**PS: Yes I could use some chap stick in these pics, thanks ahead of time for not reminding me**
It is crazy to me that even wearing my mascara before my lashes are barely visible! Below I have the 3D Fiber Lash mascara on both eyes (obvi...because they look great!! haha)
Lastly, for all you up close and personal creeper types ;) again the left are Fiber Lashes, right are just regular ol' mascara. Bottom is all Fiber Lashes baby!!
So, for real... you NEEEED this, and so do your girlfriends, moms, sisters, aunts, and women you just met at the grocery store.
Check out the 3D Fiber Lashes and more
here and after you have tried it let me know what you think!! --- even though I am 1000% sure you will be hooked to!
Until next time lovelies!!
Although I was given this product in order to review it here, all thoughts are 100% my own!