I know I am losing some people because I am not being one of those "good bloggers"... you know the ones who can see past the everyday madness and still sit down to type a good post. ( Maybe even not a good one...just a rambling one like this will be HA!) I have failed. I have slipped up. I have let my blog fall. I am sorry blog....and I am sorry followers!
Let me put it like this... I picked up a side job ( that was awful and I quickly stopped that!) also I have another job that I am doing kinda on the side of being a stay at home mom, and that is taking a lot of time and energy but I love it! On top of everything I am still trying to keep the laundry from piling up to the ceiling. The dishes are heading in that same direction so I need to get to those ASAP. All while following along with a book for women's bible study, spending time with the hubs, taking care of the kiddos, planning and making dinners daily, and babysitting other peoples kids as well. I am busy. Yet today I feel not as busy, but my head feels heavy and full of a gazillion To Do lists!
I want a nap but my ADHD never allows it.
I have time ...usually every night from 10pm until whenever I put my head on the pillow that I could be blogging.... but instead I make headbands and hats and try to teach myself how to knit.
Someday I will have a daily schedule that makes sense
One that leaves time for everyday blogging
Until then I hope you stick with me for my updates and other craziness as I try to find the time.
I love you blog.... don't give up on me just yet!!